
 01-Mar-18, Medica Magazine  

A region whose states make up the world's third largest economy and which has few linguistic differences, Latin America is an attractive market for foreign companies at first glance. However, the medical market is growing only slowly in most countries.

Between austerity measures and growth pressure Latin Americas medical market (c) panthermedia net ThreeArt

Image: panthermedia.net/ThreeArt

In Peru and Chile, for example, numerous new hospitals have been built in recent years. In Brazil, foreign investments in hospitals are possible since 2015. In Argentina, the weak currency strengthened the local industry. At the same time, however, private Argentine companies in the medical technology sector preferred foreign imports.

Two main trends can be observed, that are a consequence of both the slump in raw material prices and the demographic development of recent years:

  • Cost-cutting and efficiency measures in almost all economic sectors
  • Expansion of public health care and national health agendas


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