
8-point policy to make India a hub for medical devices manufacturing

 18-Feb-16, Pharmabiz.com

As three states - Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat - are racing ahead to establish exclusive world class medical device manufacturing parks, the Association of Indian Medical Device Industry has recommended eight key policy measures which must be rolled out to ensure the financial viability of these parks as well as to make India a super international hub for medical device manufacturing.

8 point policy to make India a hub for medical devices manufacturing (c) Indian White Paper

Image: Indian White Paper

According to the AIMED recommendations, there should be a separate Medical Device Regulatory Act and separate Rules with IHPRA - Indian Healthcare Products Regulatory Authority rather than the proposed ongoing amendment to D&C Act with compliance audits by 3rd party certification and have a mandatory compliance and regulatory framework built on QCI certification to ensure patient safety.

The government should set up a Medical Device Export Promotion and India's first Import Substitution Council named MEDISEXPC. Besides, there should be a department for medical devices, a separate ministry for healthcare products to act as facilitator and regulator and coordinated plan between central government and state governments to aid existing manufacturing clusters and new medical device parks.

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