09-Nov-15 Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Chandrababu Naidu has taken in-principle decision to develop a dedicated 200 acre industrial park for the manufacture of medical devices in his state. The 200 acre exclusive park will spur domestic production of medical devices, and help reduce import dependency in this sector while creating employment and economic growth. [image: ET Healthworld]
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29-Oct-15 The medical contract manufacturer BIT Group has established a second Chinese manufacturing operation in Shenzhen, China, as a joint venture with EDAN Instruments, a Shenzhen-based patient monitoring technology company. “The Chinese medical technology market is expected to grow at double digit rates in the coming years,” said Marius Balger, BIT CEO. [image: Invetech].
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20-Oct-15 AstraZeneca announced a new state-of-the-art manufacturing and packaging facility in Kaluga, Russia, dedicated to the local supply of innovative medicines. In 2011 AstraZeneca was one of the first multinational pharmaceutical companies to announce plans to invest in the construction of a dedicated manufacturing facility in Russia. Four years on, the Company has invested USD224m. [image: AstraZeneca]
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10-Oct-15 Myanmar is trying to kick its foreign drug habit: In recent years the government has offered incentives to seven private distributors to try their hand at manufacturing domestically. All other pharmaceutical products – between 80 percent and 90 percent – are imported. [image: Ann Wang / Frontier Myanmar]
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01-Oct-15 Mexico is the best medical device manufacturing hub among Mexico, Costa Rica and China, according to CPI. Tijuana-Baja California region of Mexico is a special resource of labor, proximity and cost savings for a medical device manufacturer. Mexico stands second among Latin American medical device manufacturers and fifth among global manufacturers. [image: Global Health Intelligence]
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