
IT buttressing Japan's nursing home servcies

 17-Jun-17, Nikkei Asian Review 

Due to a rapidly aging population and diminishing number of children, Japan is experiencing a chronic labor shortage in the nursing care industry and is looking to information technology and foreign workers to fill the gap.

IT buttressing Japans nursing home services (c) Nikkei Asian Review

Image: Nikkei Asian Review

The problem is so severe that the government estimates the country will lack 370,000 skilled personnel in the field in fiscal 2025. Obstacles abound, but solutions are slowly cropping up.

Providing nursing care is difficult work. Operators often fail to receive enough applications when hiring, while turnover among workers is high. Sompo Care Next and other service providers have been struggling to secure workers and are hoping that the use of IT to reduce workloads will change the image of nursing care work and appeal to new employees.

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