
Tech to relieve pressure on Singapore healthcare

 30-Jun-17, The New Paper 

One in five Singaporeans will be over 65 by 2030, and two-thirds of these people will be managing at least one chronic condition. Singapore spends more than SGD1 bn (USD723 mn) every year managing diabetic complications and it is only one of the many lifestyle diseases that are on the rise as a result of changing dietary and lifestyle habits.

Tech to relieve pressure on Singapore healthcare (c) HPB The New Paper

Image: HPB / The New Paper

This is where technology comes in. Data analytics can help better understand disease trends and develop more effective pre-disease screening programmes. Zuellig Pharma recently entered into an MOU with one of Singapore's leading hospital groups to develop predictive models for early health screening using data analytics. 

Wearable devices and mobile apps can also monitor a person's condition and use information, incentives and reminders to motivate people to adopt healthier lifestyles.

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