
 15-Mar-18, Business Korea 

The Revo-i, which is the first laparoscopic surgery robot developed in Korea, has been released. People are paying attention to whether it will be able to break the dominance of Intuitive Surgical’s da Vinci that has continued for 20 years.

Laparoscopic surgery robot Revo i launched first in Korea (c) Business Korea

Image: Business Korea

Meere Company began to work on the Revo-i back in 2007. According to experts, the Revo-i’s performance is comparable to that of the da Vinci from Intuitive Surgical.

More than 4,400 da Vincis are currently in use around the world, including 73 in 55 South Korean hospitals. Intuitive Surgical posted USD3.1 bn in sales in 2017.

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