28-Nov-17 By the end of 2017 India's Vattikuti Foundation will have 70 robots and 200 by 2020 doing about 25,000 surgeries. "We have 360 surgeons today doing robotic surgery and they just love it," said Raj Vattikuti. [image: ET Healthworld]
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27-Nov-17 UAE-based Crescent Enterprises has announced its investment in ColubrisMX and XCath, two next-generation micro-robotic medical device companies. Both companies design and develop next-generation robotic technologies that are expected to revolutionise their respective fields. [image: Arabian Gazette]
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24-Nov-17 China's healthcare sector has turned to Artificial Intelligence to scale up operations just the State Council pushes "Made in China 2025", calling for industries, and healthcare in particular, to upgrade their technology and adopt smart manufacturing practices. [image: ANI]
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22-Nov-17 In Korea, Gil Hospital of Gachon University is establishing a 'Virtual Reality Therapy Center' to treat PTSD and panic disorder patients. In the future, the hospital plans to expand VR treatment areas to cognitive impairment and ADHD. [image: Business Korea]
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22-Nov-17 Medical students in Singapore will soon be able to see a patient's abdomen through simulated X-ray, using an augmented reality program called MediSIM that will enable them to see and feel the insides of an abdominal manikin. [image: Gavin Foo]
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