
Personal genomics revolution comes to Southeast Asia

 31-May-16, PR Newswire 

Singapore-based Imagene Labs Pte Ltd, a subsidiary of Asia Genomics, and New York City-based LifeNome Inc have announced a major international partnership to bring genomic personalization of wellness and lifestyle choices to Southeast Asia.

Personal genomics revolution comes to Southeast Asia (c) Pulse LinkedIn

Image: Pulse / LinkedIn

The partnership will leverage on the state of the art genetics testing facilities of Imagene Labs together with the proprietary bioinformatics platform of LifeNome to provide health-conscious consumers in the region with personalized genomics guidance on nutrition, fitness, skin care and other wellness topics.

Starting July 2016, Imagene will offer genetic testing along with trait reports to individual consumers as well as physicians, nutritionists, and fitness trainers in Singapore, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia.

"What sets our technology apart is a careful curation of scientific studies and a computational methodology that assesses the cumulative predisposition likelihood when multiple genetic variations influence a particular well-being trait predisposition such as vitamin D deficiency," said Raya Khanin, Chief Scientific Officer of LifeNome.

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