
Korea's KT unveils healthcare wrist band

 26-Aug-16, Business Korea 

KT, Korea's largest fixed-line operator, has held a Future Forum to present the company’s healthcare business development direction and its smart fitness band “NeoFit” to be launched next month.

Koreas KT unveils healthcare wrist band (c) Business Korea

Image: Business Korea

There are three large healthcare areas KT is focusing on:

  • Bioinformatics, which analyzes dielectric data using cloud platform
  • Disease diagnosis solutions, which diagnose various diseases with mobile diagnosis devices like Yodak and My CheckUp
  • Customized personal healthcare services based on wearable devices.

NeoFit is a smart healthcare wrist band which can automatically check and analyze every movement of users around the clock and their workout rates by body part, allowing the device to gather massive datasets and offer customized healthcare services.

KT said that the new smart band can also precisely track and monitor more than 100 physical activities so it will release fitness-specialized services.

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