
Is your country ready to go high tech in healthcare?

 08-Jun-16, CNET

If your health care providers could talk to one another and share data more efficiently it would almost certainly improve your treatment - not to mention making each trip to the doctor a less stressful experience. But new research suggests some countries aren't yet poised to join the dots in their heath care systems.

Is your country ready to go high tech in healthcare (c) Getty Images

Image: UIG / Getty Images

A new global survey of patients and doctors shows that emerging economies are poised to adopt new technology, led by the United Arab Emirates and China. In the ranking, compiled by Philips, Australia comes in 4th, the United States 6th and the UK 9th.

Perhaps surprisingly, the country at the bottom of the report is Japan. The country is famous for its robots and cutting edge technology, but strict regulation and a lack of centralised oversight have made the Japanese health care system less efficient than you might expect.

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