
Health startups take local pulse in Bangkok

 11-Jul-17, Bangkok Post

Health and wellness startups have formed the group Health Tech Startup Thailand as a means to encourage hospitals and clinics to adopt innovative technology.

Health startups take local pulse in Bangkok (c) Bangkok Post

Image: Bangkok Post

The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT), big data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain have spurred health tech startups in Thailand over the past several years. The IoT will drive preventive healthcare and self-monitoring by use of smart health diagnosis devices such as pulse and heartbeat monitors. AI can help personalise medicine and improve diagnostics.

Health Tech Startup Thailand comprises some 30 local health-related startups offering medical service, telemedicine, platforms to record and analyse health data, services related to IoT and blockchain, hospital/pharmacy/clinical management systems and cloud-based QR code medical ID bracelets.

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