
Five companies develop over 50% of pharma products for developing countries

01-Dec-14, Access To Medicine Index

The top 20 pharmaceutical companies are developing 327 relevant products – yet only five companies account for more than half: Novartis, Johnson & Johnson, GSK, AbbVie and Sanofi are developing 54% of the products in the relevant pipeline. For several companies, more than 35% of their pipelines target the conditions covered by the Index.

More than half of the 327 relevant products target just five diseases:diabetes, lower respiratory infections, hepatitis, HIV/AIDS and malaria. Hepatitis and diabetes have the most products in the clinical stage of development. Together with diarrhoeal diseases, tuberculosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, meningitis and Chagas disease, these diseases account for 71% of the total pipeline covered by the Index.

All disease classes are being targeted to varying extents. For instance, 47% of the products target communicable diseases. However, almost all of those address just six conditions: HIV/AIDS, malaria, lower respiratory infections, diarrhoeal diseases, tuberculosis and meningitis.

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