
Elsevier recognises hospitals in Taiwan and India for innovative digital healthcare

 05-Sep-17, Markets Insider 

In the fifth Asia Pacific HIMSS-Elsevier Digital Healthcare Award 2017, cost-effective innovations that have wide-reaching impact on patient care, particularly in countries with rural populations, were a highlight in some of the submissions.

Elsevier recognises hospitals in Taiwan and India for innovative digital healthcare (c) HIMSS AsiaPac17

Image: HIMSS AsiaPac17

Overall, the four winners from hospitals in China, India, Australia and Taiwan - all first-time recipients - demonstrated how their innovative use of information communication technology (ICT) has improved patient care.

"Asia Pacific is truly pushing the envelope on innovation when it comes to healthcare information and technology... We are seeing an increasing trend of mobile health and telehealth submissions," said Dr Peter Edelstein, Chief Medical Officer for Elsevier.

  • The Outstanding ICT Innovation category winners this year are MacKay Memorial Hospital, Taiwan and Aravind Eye Hospital-Pondicherry, India.
  • The winners of this year's ICT Achievement award are The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne, Australia, and Fudan University Huashan Hospital, China.

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