
Challenges in mHealth integration

 19-Jan-16, BioSpectrum

Medidata Solutions is a provider of cloud computing-based solutions for clinical development process to improve study design, protocol development, trial planning and management, electronic data capture (EDC) and management of patient clinical data.

In an interview with BioSpectrum Asia, Mr Motohide Nishi, VP of R&D APAC, Medidata, Japan talks about the prospects of mobile technology in healthcare delivery and challenges in building mHealth landscape in Asia.

Read the full interview here.

Challenges in mHealth integration (c) BioSpectrum

Image: BioSpectrum

  • Leading life sciences organizations in Asia are beginning to recognize the potential new mobile technologies have to help bring novel and important medicines to patients faster, safer, and more efficiently and are embarking on the early stages of exploring these devices in clinical development. 
  • The opportunity for mHealth data to advance clinical trials seems particularly prevalent in South Korea, China and Japan.
  • While mHealth holds the promise of new insights and research endpoints, its use in the highly regulated, scientific environment of clinical trials requires rigorous diligence and protections.
  • Currently, there is no global standard for mHealth in clinical trials, and the use of wearable devices raise regulatory challenges as sponsors question whether regulatory agencies in Asia and globally will accept mHealth data.

 Read the full article  

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