
 29-Jun-18, Create Digital

Australia is making gains in the world of 3D-printed body parts, and the country has a niche role to play.

For example, Australia has skills in patient-specific design in terms of the end-to-end flow of information because the size of the industry means people know each other and can streamline and accelerate the process.

Australia is making gains in 3D printed body parts (c) Create Digital

Image: Create Digital

But the industry’s size can also mean a lack of critical mass, which can make it difficult for companies to gain an economy of scale that makes it worthwhile, CSIRO’s Dr Leon Prentice said.

"At the moment we, in CSIRO, host the only two electron beam additive machines in Australia, and for someone else to get into the market, which we’d really like them to do, would require a significant investment," he said.

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 Healthcare insights