
Acer showcases cloud-based remote healthcare

 07-Jan-16, CENS

Driven by an aggressive program towards product diversification partly due to thinning profit margins and decreasing market share of personal computers, Acer Inc. of Taiwan, a major global PC vendor, recently showcased its achievements in smart medical devices at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), by teaming up with partners such as Omron, CoAsia, Revolve Robotics, etc.

Acer showcases cloud based remote healthcare (c) Revolve Robotics

Image: Revolve Robotics

As the information and communication technology (ICT) industry moves through a paradigm shift from PC-centric, mobile-centric, to IoT (Internet of Things)-centric, Acer said that it has proposed the new IoB (Internet of Beings) concept, a human-centric network based on an intelligence network.

Acer showcased its latest developments in the healthcare realm, which it identifies as one of the key areas of the IoB. As part of the firm's BYOC (Build Your Own Cloud) platform, Acer displayed solutions based on the Acer Open Platform (AOP) with its hardware partners, who exhibited applications spanning from health monitoring to remote diagnostics.

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