02-Jan-18 The UK's Cognition Health is changing the future for Middle Eastern patients who suffer from memory loss and other symptoms of cognitive impairment, offering access to the best medical technologies and enrolment in clinical trials testing promising innovative treatments. [image: Arab Health]
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06-Dec-17 Startup companies listed on Japan's stock market expect net profit to grow an average of 12% in fiscal 2017 amid strong demand for robotics and biomedical technology. [image: Nikkei Asian Reveiw]
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04-Dec-17 In Anhui Provincial Hospital of Central China, iFlytek's robot nurse pilot project is meant to see how a robot could help in real-life medical cases. So far, 'she' records patients' symptoms, reviews CT scans and makes an initial diagnosis. [image: Fan Jiashan / China Daily]
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28-Nov-17 Malaysian healthcare group KPJ Healthcare will adopt cognitive computing platform IBM Watson for Oncology to provide insights that help doctors deliver evidence-based cancer treatment options, making it the first private healthcare provider in Malaysia to do so. [image: DNA]
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28-Nov-17 By the end of 2017 India's Vattikuti Foundation will have 70 robots and 200 by 2020 doing about 25,000 surgeries. "We have 360 surgeons today doing robotic surgery and they just love it," said Raj Vattikuti. [image: ET Healthworld]
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