
The only Singapore private hospital to achieve success at Asian Hospital Management Awards

 31-Oct-16, Asia-Pacific Biotech News 

Over 322 awards entries were received from 92 hospitals in 15 countries at the Asian Hospital Management Awards 2016 held in Vietnam in September 2016. Of the 53 winners, Farrer Park Hospital's two submissions won the Excellence award in Marketing, PR or Online Presence, and Innovations in Healthcare IT.

The only Singapore private hospital to achieve success at Asian Hospital Management Awards (c) APBN

Image: APBN

‘Electronic Meal Ordering System (EMOS)’ was acknowledged for its improvement to overall quality, safety and efficiency for patient meal orders. FPH is the First and only hospital in Singapore to implement such an integrated system that improves patient safety, enhances efficiency and saves cost.

EMOS empowers patients to take charge of their meal selection through an interactive tablet in their suites. This changes the way doctors, nutritionists and hospital kitchen communicate.

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