
The high-tech secrets of Gangnam-style cosmetic surgery

 04-May-17, Asia Nikkei Review 

"Gangnam Style" catapulted the upscale district in the Korean capital to global prominence, but every year, the district's hundreds of cosmetic surgery clinics attract hundreds of thousands of patients, both from overseas and at home.

The high tech secrets of Gangnam style cosmetic surger (c) South Korea Ministry of Health and Welfare]

Image: South Korea Ministry of Health and Welfare

These prospective patients include people from China, Japan and Southeast Asia, all flocking to the nation's most affluent district in search of first-class treatments using state-of-the-art technology. Stem-cell treatments are already being used in anti-aging procedures, as they can reproduce cells.

300,000 foreign patients visited Korea for medical treatment in 2015. Cosmetic surgery patients accounted for the second largest portion of that number, behind only those for internal medicine.

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