
TPP to increase Malaysia's medical device exports

 21-Jan-16, New Straits Times Online

The Association of Malaysian Medical Industries (AMMI) supports the signing of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) to provide wider access for ‘Made-in-Malaysia” medical devices into TPP countries especially the US with whom Malaysia has no trade agreement.

TPP to increase Malaysias medical device exports (c) Hafzi Mohamed TMR

Image: Hafzi Mohamed / TMR

The association said the medical device industry in Malaysia is dominated by both multinational corporations and large local companies engaged in the production of surgical gloves, surgical instruments, intravenous catheters, contraceptives and other medical disposable products.

"Exports of medical devices by AMMI member companies continue to register double digit growth. With this trend set to continue, Malaysia is moving up the value chain in the production of medical devices. High value medical devices manufactured in Malaysia are orthopaedic products, dialysers, surgical implants, medical electrodes, diagnostic radiographic equipment, pacemakers, defibrillators and ophthalmic lenses," it said.

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