
 08-Jan-18, The Verge 

Sprint, partnering with Dynamics Inc, has come up with a battery-powered payment card. The card functions as a debit, credit, prepaid, multi-currency, or loyalty card, depending on the user's preference.

Sprint reveals first self charging digital payment card (c) Dynamics Inc

Image: Dynamics Inc.

The card has almost 200 internal parts including a cellphone chip and antenna, a battery and organic recharging chip for self-charging, a programmable magnetic strip, EMV chip, and contactless chip. The card has a 65,000-pixel display and UI, so a user can switch between different cards and screens.

The card is called a Wallet Card and since it is a digital card, banks can distribute it anywhere at any time, and users can activate it at once. In the same vein, the card can be replaced by a courier within hours.

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