
Singapore’s RingMD launches global telemedicine app

18-Nov-14, MobiHealthNews

Singapore-based RingMD launched its first app this week, an Android app designed to connect patients anywhere in the world to doctors anywhere in the world — although for now the doctors are mostly based in Singapore.

“Basically, when it comes down to healthcare and really just the world in general these days you have to think global from day one,” CEO Justin Fulcher told MobiHealthNews. “And we’re one of the only companies that are really taking that to heart as a core part of our philosophy. From there, being based in Singapore, we have the best opportunity to leverage the huge growth in the Asia region, but still given our management team - a lot of them come from the US - leverage our knowledge of the American market and accomplish that remotely.”

The platform currently has about 100 doctors, mostly in Singapore, who mostly see patients from the surrounding countries in Southeast Asia. RingMD has been launched in beta as a web application for a few months, and is now doing a mobile rollout, starting on Android, which the company chose to focus on because of its international popularity.

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