
Singapore meeting needs of an ageing society

 03-Jan-16, The Straits Times

Singapore will continue to ramp up its healthcare capabilities to meet the expected rise in demand from an ageing population.

Singapore meeting needs of an ageing society (c) ST File

Image: ST File

The number of people aged 65 years and older will more than double from 430,000 today to more than 900,000 in 2030. One priority is to keep these people as healthy as possible, for as long as possible, so they can both enjoy quality life and also not require hospital care.

The opening of two community hospitals in 2015, with a total of more than 800 beds between them, should ease the severe bed crunch in public hospitals in recent years. This will likely be further eased as Alexandra Hospital starts taking in its own patients again this year, with the opening of its specialist outpatient clinics.

There will be several new eldercare centres, including three Wellness and Care Centres in the Yishun area and two Senior Care Centres in the new Ci Yuan Community Club and in Kaki Bukit. Some of these centres will offer home care services to senior residents living nearby.

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