
 06-Sep-19, MobiHealthNews 

Singaporeans, who have an average nightly sleep of 7 hours 5 minutes, are the third most sleep deprived after Japanese and Indians (who get an average sleep of 6 hours 47 minutes and 7 hours 1 minute respectively).

Singapore is the third most sleep deprived after Japan and India(c)Fitbit

Image: Fitbit

Fitbit has collected more than 10.5 billion nights of sleep data over the years and will be working with Singapore’s Health Promotion Board (HPB) on a population-based public health initiative, the company’s first major integration of a digital health platform and wearables into a national public health programme globally.

Live Healthy SG was designed by Fitbit to harness technology, behaviour insights and analytics to help Singaporeans get healthier through meaningful and sustained behaviour change.

 Read the full article 

 Healthcare insights