
Singapore based RingMD signs an MoU with Digital India

 26-Feb-16, NextBigWhat 

Singapore based startup, RingMD that enables patients and medical professionals of their choice to be easily connected for online video consultations, signed an MOU with Digital India to reach more patients in rural India.

Singapore based RingMD signs an MoU with Digital India (c) RingMD

Image: RingMD

As a telemedicine app, RingMD provides clinical health care at a distance. It helps eliminate distance barriers and can improve access to medical services that is not consistently available for distant rural Indian communities, patients needing chronic medical care, and busy professionals.

It is a three-step process for patients to connect with doctors; Select a Doctor and schedule an appointment, receive medical advice – the doctor confirms appointment and perform online consultation via phone/video call over RingMD’s platform, pay securely – via credit cards or local options to pay at the service center.

 Read the full article 

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