
SingHealth mobile app to cover more institutions

 13-May-17, The Straits Times 

A SingHealth mobile registration service aimed at reducing the time spent waiting in line at outpatient clinics is set to be rolled out to more health institutions.

SingHealth mobile app to cover more institutions (c) Jonathan Choo ST

Image: Jonathan Choo / ST

The Health Buddy app allows patients to register for consultations using mobile devices. They then receive real-time updates on their queue status and can arrive at the clinic just before their queue number is called.

SingHealth hopes that by Oct-17 at least 20 per cent of the 7,000 to 8,000 patients at three pilot clinics in Singapore General Hospital and the National Heart Centre will use the service. The take-up rate currently is only about 5 per cent.

SingHealth aims to introduce it at KK Women's & Children's Hospital and the National Cancer Centre by the end of 2017.

 Read the full article 

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