
Rising migration demands ‘roaming’ health coverage

 08-Aug-17, Eco-Business 

As movement across countries becomes easier and more frequent, the one situation we all dread is getting sick and needing to access health services in a foreign country. Even as we worry about getting well, we end up worrying more about how to pay for it.

Rising migration demands roaming health coverage (c) Asian Development Bank

Image: Asian Development Bank

As countries expand health care services for the covered population, they also need to guarantee the same health coverage for citizens when they are in foreign countries, as well as for foreign residents. The increasing movement across borders into growing and interconnected economies will surely make roaming universal health coverage (UHC) a reality soon.

In a world where borders are blurring and becoming increasingly permeable, health coverage needs to be just as mobile. If not, it will never be truly universal.

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