
Revising India's national essential medicines list

18-Mar-15, Pharmabiz

The Central Drug Standard Control Organization (CDSCO), the Apex drug regulatory authority of the country, plans to publish the revised National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM 2015). This is part of the policy initiative planned for the year 2015. The revision of NLEM is long overdue as it was prepared in 2011 and being criticized for several lapses. The revision is very much necessary as the list is linked to regulating the price of medicines.

Revising Indias national essential medicines list (c) Maps Of India

Image: Maps Of India

The essential medicines are defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as those medicines that satisfy the priority healthcare need of the population. These medicines are of utmost importance and are basic necessity for providing quality care.

The World Health Organization adopted the concept of essential medicines in 1977 as a part of ‘Health for All by 2000’. Though 'Health for All' could not be achieved, the concept of essential medicines remains valid and useful. The WHO first developed a model list of essential drugs in 1977 and since then the essential drugs list is revised every two years. The WHO has been advocating the national governments to develop their own essential medicines list for use within their territory. The WHO model list can be used as reference.

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