Researchers develop cardiac imaging for developing countries
02-Jun-17, Medica Magazine
Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) is the gold standard for diagnosing many cardiovascular diseases. It is used to measure the structure and function of the heart, and to assess scarring on the heart muscle after a heart attack.
Image: / Tawesit Werawattanachai
Lead author Dr Katia Menacho, a cardiologist from Peru and PhD student at University College London, said: "In Peru just two public hospitals offer CMR... Public hospitals without CMR refer to the private sector and it takes up to three months."
The 'Impact of Non-invasive CMR Assessment - Peru' study was set up to develop and test an ultrafast CMR protocol. "This ultrafast CMR protocol can be used to accurately diagnose patients leading to changes in clinical management," said Menacho. "The protocol takes one-third of the standard scan time at a fraction of the cost."