
Report outlines reforms for China's pharmaceutical system

 07-Jul-16, LSE 

China’s pharmaceutical system will struggle to cope with the twin challenges of a rapidly aging population and increases in non-communicable diseases, such as diabetes and heart and lung disease.

Report outlines reforms for China's pharmaceutical system (c) LSE

Image: LSE

This is one of the findings from a report published by LSE Health and the State Council of China. Recognising the importance of a strong domestic pharmaceutical industry in order to meet China’s growing healthcare needs, the authors identify the country’s main challenges and propose a series of policy measures.

The report identifies market fragmentation as one of the major challenges in China’s pharmaceutical system. Currently, there are close to 5,000 different drug manufacturers operating in China. With the top five manufacturers holding less than 15 per cent of the market share, a far smaller percentage than in developed countries, many of these companies are not capable of abiding by Good Manufacturing Practices.

 Read the full article 

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