
Redefining emerging markets: Arif Naqvi of The Abraaj Group

 07-Oct-17, Live Mint 

For the past decade, Arif Naqvi, founder and group chief executive of Dubai’s The Abraaj Group, a leading global private equity firm, has been trying to dispel the myth of the so-called emerging markets.

Redefining emerging markets Arif Naqvi of The Abraaj Group (c) Live Mint

Image: Live Mint

He insists on calling them global growth markets. "Labelling growth markets as emerging markets is lazy and patronizing," he says. "Why are we still calling China an emerging market? China has emerged." These markets contribute 60% of GDP growth; 85% of the world’s population lives in these markets.

"Naturally, you have to be very careful about what you select in the growth markets as the politics keep changing; but they continue to pose enormous growth opportunities in infrastructure, healthcare, education, energy, housing and retail due to the emergence of a sizable young population, a rising middle-class, rapid urbanization and migration to cities."

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