
Queensland sees increase in outpatient telehealth

 10-Sep-15, Pulse + IT

Queensland has seen a 42 per cent increase in outpatient services provided by telehealth in the 2015 financial year, with inpatient services also increasing across the state's 3000-odd systems.

Queensland sees increase in outpatient telehealth (c) Pulse IT

Image: Pulse + IT

Oncology medical consultations led the pack in outpatient services provided, while geriatric and general medical/surgical consultations saw the most growth for inpatient telehealth services. Inpatient consultations saw a doubling in growth over the period off a low base, Queensland Health figures show.

Queensland Health Minister Cameron Dick last week confirmed his government's commitment to telehealth, saying telehealth was able to reduce “the tyranny of distance which has undermined regional service delivery in Queensland for 200 years”.

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