
Public health services manpower to be boosted in Macau

14-May-15, Macau Daily Times 

The public healthcare sector expects to recruit a total of 2,640 additional health professionals in the following five years, while some of the specialist outpatient services at the Hospital Conde S. Januário will be made available for more hours starting from next month.

Public health services manpower to be boosted in Macau (c) Macau Daily Times

Image: Macau Daily Times

According to the head of Health Bureau, Lei Chin Ion, the intended workforce expansion is timed to address the introduction of medical facilities, namely the city’s second public hospital, which is slated for operation before 2020, along with several other upcoming health centers, which altogether will double current capacity.

480 doctors, 1700 nurses, 120 pharmacists, 200 senior hygienic technicians, and 140 technicians for diagnosis and treatment were among those expected to join the current medical team.

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