
Perennial sets up USD1.2 bn JV to invest in healthcare developments in China

 03-Jan-18, The Business Times 

Singapore's Perennial Real Estate Holdings, together with partners, has set up a USD1.2 bn JV vehicle that would acquire and develop large scale and predominantly healthcare integrated mixed-use developments connected to the high speed railway stations in China.

Perennial sets up USD1 2 bn JV to invest in healthcare developments in China (c) The Business Times

Image: The Business Times

Pua Seck Guan, chief executive of Perennial, said, "With the establishment of this US$1.2 billion JV vehicle, we are excited about the potential to grow our HSR portfolio to up to eight projects with a total gross floor area of over four million square metres."

"The HSR healthcare integrated mixed-use developments... are expected to host healthcare real estate featuring core medical/healthcare facilities, including various types of specialised hospital, such as international general hospital, international women's and children's hospital, international geriatric hospital and international rehabilitation hospital, as well as medical centres, eldercare homes and nursing homes," Perennial said.

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 Healthcare insights