
Penang Islamic Hospital to begin operations in 2020

 08-Dec-16, The Star

The Penang Islamic Foundation (YIPP), in collaboration with the Penang Islamic Religious Council, is building the Penang Islamic Hospital (HIPP) costing MYR280 mn (USD63 mn) in Bayan Baru, Malaysia.

Penang Islamic Hospital to begin operations in 2020 (c) Bernama

Image: Bernama

YIPP chairman Datuk Mansor Othman said construction of the 200-bed hospital on a one hectare site would begin after its groundbreaking ceremony in Dec-16.

He said the 14-storey hospital would have specialists in the fields of pediatrics, gynecology, surgery and cardiology, and would be equipped with a seven-storey car park, with 600 bays.

It is set to be the first syariah-compliant hospital in the northern region of Peninsular Malaysia, and is expected to begin operations in early 2020.

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