
New tech making it possible to pre-screen for breast cancer in India

 21-Aug-17, Your Story 

Despite making tremendous strides in establishing itself as a leading global entity, India still lags in critical areas such as education and healthcare. A 2015 survey (Sustainable Development Goals) ranked the country 143 out of 188 countries in terms of health systems.

New tech making it possible to pre screen for breast cancer in India (c) Your Story

Image: Your Story

It was to address these gaps that the founders of Innominds conceptualised and set up iSquare Mobility, which is today prototyping a portable wireless telemedicine device to pre-screen for breast cancer.

iSquare hopes to reach at least 5 million women a year with their preventive screening technology, which is a three-part solution:

  • A tactile breast imaging (TBI) wand
  • A custom tablet running on Android
  • A cloud-based visualisation application

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