
New Narita medicine school to court medical tourists

25-Dec-15, The Asahi Shimbun 

Japan's first new school of medicine in 38 years will open close to Narita Airport in Chiba Prefecture with the aim of capitalizing on the “medical tourism” market and attracting foreign visitors for medical check-ups and treatments from world-class physicians.

New Narita medicine school to court medical tourists (c) International University of Health and Welfare

Image: International University of Health and Welfare

It is set to open in April 2017 and will be affiliated with the International University of Health and Welfare in Tochigi Prefecture.

Foreign visitors will be courted with offers combining general checkups, advanced medical care and the opportunity to see the sights in and around Tokyo.

An affiliated hospital will be built in Narita in 2020 in a project to accept foreign patients from more than 10 countries.

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