
New EU report on health and medical tourism forecasts 2% annual growth

 13-Aug-17, International Medical Travel Journal

The Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) has produced a research paper on health tourism in the 28 EU countries. This study defines and explores health tourism and its three main components: medical, wellness, and spa tourism.

New EU report on health and medical tourism forecasts 2pc annual growth (c) IMTJ

Image: IMTJ

Health tourism’s share of trips is small at 5.8% of domestic arrivals and only 1.1% of international arrivals. Health tourism will develop at an average 2% growth per year. Wellness tourism accounts for roughly two-thirds to three-quarters of all health tourism.

France, Germany, Italy, Sweden and Poland are economically important destinations for health tourism. Finland, Bulgaria, Germany, Spain and Ireland all have a relatively high supply of wellness facilities

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