
Networked Care App for caregivers launched in Singapore

 29-Nov-16, Digital News Asia 

SAP SE and Sierra Solutions have announced the launch of eCareApp, a Networked Care application built by Sierra Solutions on SAP’s HANA Cloud Platform.

Networked Care App for caregivers launched in Singapore (c) Inside SAP Asia

Image: Inside SAP Asia

The app has been developed with caregivers in mind, providing best practices and continuity of patient care between doctor visits. The aim is to improve the overall quality of care provided to geriatric patients in Singapore, through a personalised care plan for caregivers and physicians.

eCareApp demonstrates the potential of connected care applications in providing support to caregivers and healthcare professionals. In cases such as dementia, educating the network of caregivers becomes vital to good patient care. Early feedback from the pilot phase has shown that caregivers find communications between family members a significant challenge.

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