
 31-Jan-18, Hong Kong Means Business

The Myanmar Phar-Med and Dental Myanmar, held last July in Yangon, offered global medical suppliers a chance to gain a foothold in the untapped Myanmar market.

Myanmars soaring health sector is attracting overseas medical suppliers (c) Shutterstock Tooykrub

Image: Shutterstock / Tooykrub

"Not so long ago, the fastest-growing demand for healthcare services came from the developed countries of the West, then shifted to Japan, China and Korea” said Hyunjoo Park, International Sales Director for Daihan Scientific, a South Korean specialist in laboratory-testing equipment.

"Now we think the focus is moving again, with higher levels of demand stemming from the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) bloc. We think the time is right for us to expand into countries such as Thailand and Myanmar.”

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 Healthcare insights