
Myanmar looks to Milwaukee as it builds healthcare infrastructure

15-Apr-15, Biz Times

The Myanmar Ministry of Health on Tuesday toured the cardiac care department of Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Center in Milwaukee. The Southeast Asian country, otherwise known as Burma, visited Aurora St. Luke’s in order to bring home knowledge and solutions as it seeks to build its own emerging health care infrastructure.

Myanmar looks to Milwaukee as it builds healthcare infrastructure (c) Biz Times

Image: Biz Times

The Myanmar Ministry of Health chose Aurora St Luke’s for a visit because it is a leading heart and vascular hospital, and it is globally recognized for the interventional procedures performed in its next-generation GE Hybrid Operating Room. It is the only Wisconsin hospital with GE’s Hybrid OR.

Aurora St. Luke’s and GE are among multiple tours planned by the Myanmar Ministry of Health. They will also visit health care manufacturers Varian, Medtronic and Hill-Rom, with hospital tours at Mayo Clinic and The Heart Hospital Baylor Plano.

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