
 02-Nov-18, Willis Towers Watson

While the global medical trend remains relatively stable and is generally experiencing only modest increases, there are enough exceptions to be a source of genuine concern. For 2019, the projected global, weighted medical trend is 7.6%, however, this value is just 0.5% higher than the reported value for 2018, with no increase at all expected in Europe.

Middle East and Africa lead region for medical tourism growth (c) Willis Towers Watson

Image: Willis Towers Watson

It is concerning to see how the trend continues to edge upwards in some of the larger markets such as Brazil, China, India, Mexico and the UAE. The largest increases are expected to be seen in the Middle East and Africa where the regional trend increased from 8.5% to 9.9% in 2018 and is projected to rise to 12% in 2019.

There are continuing concerns about the manner in which treatment is provided, with fears that it is not being directed on the basis of strict medical need. 

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