
Merck flaunts Russian expansion

 18-Jun-15, The Moscow Times

The Russian head of pharmaceutical and chemical giant Merck dreams of one day supplying golden pigment to gild the onion domes of Orthodox churches.

Merck flaunts Russian expansion (c)Armin Kubelbeck Wikicommons

Image: Armin Kübelbeck / Wikicommons

The German company is several years into a Russian expansion drive that top executives said remains unaltered despite a looming economic recession, a state-mandated localization drive, and deteriorating relations between Russia and the West over the Ukraine crisis.

"It is crucial to capture the niche markets," said Jurgen Konig, the head of Merck in Russia who was parachuted into the country to spearhead local growth after stints in South Korea and Pakistan.

Unlike its competitors, Merck is increasing its headcount on the ground: The company currently employes about 220 people, and expects to have over 300 by the end of the year. It is also looking to steadily boost the 150 million euros ($167 million) worth of sales it recorded in Russia last year.

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