
 09-Apr-20, Zawya 

The Abu Dhabi Investment Office (ADIO) is pumping a total of 367 million UAE dirhams ($100 million) across four agriculture technology (AgTech) companies to develop next-generation agriculture products, services or applications in Abu Dhabi.

Meeting UAEs food needs  ADIO pumps 100mln into 4 AgTech startups(c)freuds

Image: freuds.com

The ADIO investment forms part of its 1 billion dirhams ($272 million) AgTech Incentive Programme, which was established last year under the Abu Dhabi Government’s Ghadan 21 Accelerator Programme and will run for three years.

The Abu Dhabi entity has partnered with agriculture technology startups - AeroFarms, Madar Farms, RNZ and Responsive Drip Irrigation (RDI). 

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