
KT signs MOU to improve Kazakhstan’s medical care

 09-Sep-16, Business Korea 

KT, Korea’s second-largest telecom company, announced it has formed a consortium with Pusan National University Hospital and Busan Techno Park and signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with four Kazakhstani organizations, to carry out a digital healthcare demonstration project.

KT signs MOU to improve Kazakhstans medical care (c) Business Korea

Image: Business Korea

The project is designed to improve the medical care environment in Kazakhstan with an ICT-intensive mobile healthcare diagnosis solution and Korea’s medical assistance. Kazakhstan's infant mortality stood at 21.6 percent per every 1,000 live-born children, far higher than the OECD average of 4.1 percent. Its life expectancy is 70.3 years, far below the OECD average of 80.5 years.

In addition, Kazakhstan is 27 times larger in area than Korea but it has only 1,054 hospitals. About 40 percent of the country's population live in rural areas while 80 percent of medical service providers live in large cities. 

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