
KPJ Healthcare to tap into senior living care business in Malaysia

01-May-15, The Star

KPJ Healthcare Bhd, which is eyeing potential growth in the senior living care business for the group, is still looking into the right model to serve increasing demand in the local market.

KPJ Healthcare to tap into senior living care business in Malaysia (c) Kinibiz

Image: Kinibiz

Its President and Managing Director, Datuk Amiruddin Abdul Satar said the company is still assessing the size of the potential market while looking at the needs and demand for senior living care facilities among local residents.

"It is the question of timing because we see the prospect in coming years (but) how soon and how far it is depends on the readiness of the market.

"Within the next two to three years, we will be sure of the size of the market and the extend of the service that we can offer to the market," he told reporters.

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