
J&J CEO is optimistic about China's healthcare market

 14-Apr-17, China Daily

Q: What do you think of China's economic growth target at around 6.5% for 2017 amid the sluggish recovery of the global economy? What business opportunities do you see from sectors such as services, manufacturing and mining, which will be open wider to foreign investment?

JnJ CEO is optimistic about Chinas healthcare market (c) China Daily

Image: China Daily

A: We believe that the macro trends remain favorable for the long-term outlook of China's healthcare industry. Innovation plays the key role in driving long-term economic growth in China and globally. J&J is uniquely positioned to support an innovation-driven economy, to translate technological breakthroughs into tangible industrial outputs. J&J energizes the local innovation ecosystem by offering deep science, business model and market access capabilities that connect the region's innovations with the areas of greatest need. We are supporting the Healthy China 2030 Plan to develop healthcare capabilities and promote preventive care, strengthened health services and developing health-related industries.

Read full interview here.

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