
Is Singapore’s “miracle” health care system the answer for America?

 25-Apr-17, Vox 

When liberals talk about their health care utopia, they have scores of examples to choose from: France’s multi-payer system; Canada’s single-payer simplicity; Germany’s hybrid approach. Conservatives really only have one example of a free market health care paradise to point to: Singapore.

Is Singapores miracle health care system the answer for America (c) Roslan Rahman AFP Getty Images

Image: Roslan Rahman / AFP / Getty Images

What’s the reason for Singapore’s success? It’s not government spending. The state, using taxes, funds only about one-fourth of Singapore’s total health costs. Individuals and their employers pay for the rest. In fact, the latest figures show that Singapore’s government spends only USD381 per capita on health - one-seventh what the US government spends.

Singapore’s system requires individuals to take responsibility for their own health, and for much of their own spending on medical care.

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