
Iran signs EUR1.8 bn deal with UK's IHG

 24-Oct-17, Financial Tribune 

Iran’s Ministry of Health has signed an investment and cooperation MOU with the UK’s International Hospitals Group (IHG). Based on the deal, IHG will invest an estimated EUR1.8 bn (USD2.1 bn) in the construction of a network of modern cancer treatment centers in Tehran and other provinces.

Iran signs EUR1 8 bn deal with UKs IHG (c) Financial Tribune

Image: Financial Tribune

"Apart from attracting financial resources to build, equip and run these centers, the British side will cooperate in transferring the latest medical know-how regarding cancer treatment and training of personnel," the Iranian Ambassador to the UK reported.

When completed, the project will be one of the biggest in Iran’s health sector, using foreign financial resources and creating thousands of direct and indirect jobs. 

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