
Iran sees a decline in health tourist influx

30-Dec-18, Tehran Times

According to official statistics some 300,000 health-seekers set foot in Iran during the first nine months of the year while the figure is estimated to reach 400,000 [by the year end], said Mohammad Jahangiri, who presides over a national center for developing health tourism.

Iran sees a decline in health tourist influx (c) Tehran Times

Image: Tehran Times

"Health [and medical] tourist arrivals in the country witnessed an average of 20 percent year-on-year hike from 1392 to 95 [2013-16]," he added. "In 1395, Iran hosted a total of 500,000 such inbound passengers who came from Iraq, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan as well as the littoral states of the Persian Gulf, the US and European countries."

Addressing the reason behind, Jahangiri put the blame on those who act as a go-between for patients and health service providers, noting "Dealing with the brokers is our first priority for the health tourism sector."

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